Thursday, March 28, 2013

Looking for a Way to Cure Aging

Looking for a Way to Cure Aging

Prof. Linda Partridge Discusses Her Research on Senescence

By , Guide

Updated December 06, 2012
At the 2012 European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) meeting, Dr. Linda Partridge talked about the connection between aging and the biological pathway for nutrient sensing. Nutrient sensing is not at all the same as nutrition in the sense of what foods are healthy to eat. Nutrient sensing has to do with the protein and gene interactions that enable the body to sense what we eat, and respond by stimulating growth and activating various metabolic pathways. It seems the same proteins and genes involved in this process also regulate the aging process, also known as senescence.

The Connection Between Nutrients and Aging

There appears to be close connection between this nutrient sensing pathway and the complex biological process of aging. It has been known for years that severe diet restriction, basically a very low calorie diet that provides essential nutrients, actually extends the life of most animals. The observation that limited calorie diets extend the life of lab mice and rats by more than 25% was first published in 1935. Later research found a similar phenomena occurs in yeast, fruit flies, rats, and monkeys (although one recent study has produced some conflicting results regarding the situation with monkeys).
Long term controlled studies of caloric restriction on humans is not available for obvious reasons. However, Dr. Partridge did mention that she has met a few people attempting to live on a calorie restricted diet and, while she didn't know the effect of it on their health, they were not very happy people. A restricted regimen of calories similar to what is provided to mice and rats in the lab is very severe.

The Aging Program

While many researchers have looked for general metabolic reasons for the life extension response to caloric restriction, Dr. Partridge has focused on trying to work out the essential genetic interactions that produce this effect. What she and a few other researchers that have taken this gene-based approach seem to have discovered is that there appears to be an underlying biological process that produces the aging effect.

Aging manifests as a very complex constellation of conditions including wrinkled dry skin, declining eyesight, poorer hearing, arthritis, the development of cataracts, and with these physical changes, a sharply rising incidence of serious health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia, and cancer. The leading risk factor for these disease and several others is simply age. It seems that all the body’s systems are falling apart and most people think of this as a general wearing out of the body. However, the science indicates that an underlying genetic program may be at the root of these age associated changes.

Genetics Influences Aging

Dr. Partridge suggested that perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that there appears to be very fundamental biological controls at the core of aging. There is no simple explanation why mice typically live barely 2 years while baleen whales, another mammal, lives over 200. While there is a vague correlation between animal size and life span across all animals, it is certainly not consistent or predictable. Larger dogs have shorter life spans than small ones. Most rodents have very short life spans but some porcupine species and the ugly naked mole rat have lifespans of more than 20 years. The Brandt’s myotis bat can live 40 years. Outside of mammals, many birds have quite long lives. Parrot life expectancy is on par with humans. Clearly, there is some underlying genetic control managing the aging program.
Finding Aging Genes

Dr. Partridge's colleague David Gems made the first age-related gene breakthrough when he found the aging process could be significantly altered in nematodes worms with a mutation in just one gene. In fact, he actually found that, if any of three different genes were mutated, lifespan of the worms increased. These genes were for components of the insulin receptor pathway, the series of interacting proteins that respond after the hormone insulin triggers its receptor on the cell membrane. Here we have the connection between aging and nutrient sensing—insulin controls food metabolism.
Overlap Between Aging Genetics and Metabolism

Dr. Partridge’s lab extended Dr. Gems' work by showing that similar genetic alternations in flies and mice also extend the life of these animals. Further, they showed that the effect was very similar to the extension that occurs with dietary restriction.
Even more interestingly though, her lab went on to show that in fruit flies, and preliminarily in mice, life extension does not correlate with limiting all calories but just protein. Further, it seems to be just certain amino acids that make up proteins, ones that are essential, that seem to be responsible for the life extension effect. Of course, the specific requirements are not so simple and the Partridge labs are in the midst of working out the details. However, what is clear is that regulators in the insulin sensing pathway cause significant changes on the overall aging process for both flies and mice.

The Problem with Aging

From Dr. Partridge’s perspective, however, the practical goal of her work is not really to extend the human lifespan. To go back to the previous point about how aging affects us in so many ways, the critical aspect of her research is not that the flies and mice just live longer, but that the effects of aging are all reduced. The animals stay healthier longer. The characteristic markers for aging, such as osteoporosis, cataracts, graying hair, and even cancer and cardiovascular disease, are all delayed. This is the eventual medical goal. In Dr. Partridge’s words, “the real aim is simply to keep people healthier as they age.”

Dr. Partridge explained that the national health systems can’t cope with the massive demographic changes happening in countries such as the UK. More and more elderly are showing up in hospital emergency rooms with complex health conditions. As the healthcare system is inundated with an increase levels of age-related illnesses, she sees the system collapsing. It is a bleak perspective that is, unfortunately, based in solid statistics resulting from "massive demographic changes." To fix it, the goal is that "people age well and then die quickly."

Curing the Effects of Aging

She hopes that her and her colleagues' work will soon be able to translate into treatments that ameliorate the situation. She notes that the science certainly indicates there is the possibility of a "broad spectrum preventative" that will address age-related illness. However, she is not overly optimistic. Any new drugs take so much time and resources for development that it would be 20-30 years before they would be available. Also, aging itself is not a recognized a disease, so approvals for any new potential drugs would have address a health condition in specific population, for example diabetes or metabolic disease.

Dr. Partridge's hope really is in finding new activities for already approved medications or candidate drugs that passed safety trials. Rapamycin, for example, an immunosuppressant used to prevent rejection of organ transplants, affects the mTOR protein which is the central regulator in the insulin receptor pathway (actually TOR in mTOR stands for Target of Rapamycin). The drug is known to extend the life of mice and it may have more broad utility. Of course, rapamycin also has serious side-effects. It increases the risk of diabetes and, as an immunosuppressant, infections. Metformin, a diabetes medication, is another drug that affects a component of the same insulin receptor pathway and has been shown to extend the life of mice.
What's the Outlook for an Aging Therapy Soon?
Dr. Partridge confided that, although she knows of some researchers who take rapamycin, she believes it is "crazy" at this point since the doses and side effects are really not clear. On the more pedestrian side, however, she also noted that, in addition to its cardiovascular benefits, daily aspirin has recently been shown to reduce cancer risk with aging and also appears to interact with mTOR in the insulin sensor pathway. Dr. Partridge said she does take aspirin daily basis.

With regard to finding new uses for failed candidate drugs, the major challenge she sees with evaluating these medications is working with the pharmaceutical companies who own them. She mentioned she has some productive collaborations with Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline but, generally, academic/commercial interactions are difficult to initiate. She mentioned that she has outlined many potential experiments with scientists from various companies at one meeting or another and then, after returning to the lab and trying to coordinate the legal details to transfer materials, the whole process get mired down and the project never gets off the ground. To make real progress in the near term, she believes industry really needs to change how it works with academics.

Professor Linda Partridge is a Founding Director of the Max Planck Institute for the Biology of Ageing at the University of Cologne, and the Director of the Institute of Healthy Ageing at the University College of London. I had the exceptional opportunity to speak with her at the 2012 European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) meeting.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Stem cells could hold key to 'stopping ageing' say scientists after trial triples mouse lifespan

Stem cells could hold key to 'stopping ageing' say scientists after trial triples mouse lifespan

  • Lifespan tripled after injection of cells from young mice
  • Injection made mice grow bigger and stronger
  • Effect on ageing-disorder cells even works in lab dish
  • Could hold key for injections that offer humans 'youthful vigor'
By Rob Waugh

An experiment proved that a single injection
 of stem cells could make mice live three times
 as long. Scientists think that studying the
 proteins within stem cells might hold the key
 to injections that offer a
'shot of youthful vigour' to human beings

Bill Andrews on Telomere Basics: Curing Aging

Bill Andrews on Telomere Basics: Curing Aging

Bill Andrews, Ph.D. and Jon Cornell


Bill Andrews, Ph.D.
Since before recorded history began, people have been searching for ways to live longer. We all know the story of Ponce de Leon's search for the elusive Fountain of Youth, but even two millennia earlier, emperor Qin Shi Huang of China was sending out ships full of hundreds of men and women in search of an Elixir of Life that would make him immortal. The desire to live forever is as old as humanity itself.

But it has only been in the last thirty years that science has made any real progress in understanding the fundamental question of why we age and what can be done about it. These discoveries have not been widely publicized-yet -and so most people are unaware of how close we are to curing the disease of aging once and for all.

Is Aging a Disease?

References to "the disease of aging" still make many people uncomfortable. After all, aging is a natural process that has existed forever -so how can it be a disease?

Bill Andrews on Telomere Basics: Curing Aging
Click on the image to obtain the book/pdf.
In fact, aging has not existed forever. Approximately 4.5 billion years ago, a cell came into existence on Earth that was the progenitor of every living organism that has since existed. This cell had the ability to divide indefinitely. It exhibited no aging process; it could produce a theoretically infinite number of copies of itself, and it would not die until some environmental factor killed it. When the ancestry of any given cell is traced back to this very first living cell, this lineage is called the cell's germ line.

Much later -perhaps three billion years later- some cells of the germ line began to form multicellular organisms: worms, beetles, lobsters, humans. The germ line, however, was still passed on from one generation to the next, and remained immortal. Even with the inclusion of multicellular organisms, the germ line itself exhibited no aging process.

But, in some multicellular organisms, such as humans, certain cells strayed from the germ line and began to exhibit signs of aging. These cells aged because they became afflicted with a disease: their ability to reproduce themselves indefinitely became broken. The cause of this disease is still speculative, but many scientists are searching for cures.

The fact that a disease has existed in the genetic code of an animal for a very long time does not mean that it is not a disease. Thousands of diseases, from hemophilia to cystic fibrosis, have lurked in our genes for far longer than recorded history. These diseases should be cured, and aging is no exception.

The Cause of Aging

The root cause of aging is very straightforward: we age because our cells age.

In 1961, Leonard Hayflick, a researcher at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, discovered that there was a limit to the number of times a human cell could divide.1 After about 70 divisions, a cell derived from embryonic tissue enters a stage where its ability to divide slows and eventually stops. This stage is called cellular senescence. Hayflick also observed that the number of times a cell could divide was governed by the age of the cells: cells from a twenty-year-old could divide more times than cells from a fifty-year-old, which in turn would divide more times than cells from a ninety-year-old.

Hayflick discovered that, in essence, there is a clock ticking inside every dividing cell of our body. Our aging process isn't simply a consequence of accumulated damage: there is a specific property of our cells that limits how long we can live.

The nature of this property was proposed independently in the early 1970s by both Soviet and American scientists.2 When a cell divides, the genetic material inside that cell needs to be copied. This process is called DNA replication. These scientists suggested that the limitation on cell division is rooted in the very nature of DNA replication. The enzymes that replicate a strand of DNA are unable to continue replicating all the way to the end, which causes the loss of some DNA.

As an analogy, think of a DNA as a long row of bricks, and of DNA replication as a bricklayer walking backwards on top of a brick wall laying a new layer on top of that row. When the end of the wall is reached, the bricklayer finds himself standing on top of the brick he's supposed to replicate. Since he can't put down a brick where his feet are, he steps back and falls off the wall - leaving the very end of the wall bare. As a result, the new copy of the wall is shorter.

Just like this brick wall was copied imperfectly, our DNA is unable to perfectly copy itself; when a strand is replicated, the new strand is shorter than the old strand.

If we lost portions of the information encoded in our DNA every time it replicated, human life would be impossible. Our cells couldn't even divide enough times to allow us to be born. Fortunately, we are born with long, repetitive sequences of DNA at the end of each of our chromosomes, which later shorten during the normal DNA replication process.

These repetitive sequences are called "telomeres."

Telomeres, like all DNA, are made up of units called nucleotides, arranged like beads on a string. The nucleotides in human telomeres are arranged in the repeating sequence TTAGGG (two thymine nucleotides, one adenine nucleotide, and three guanine nucleotides). This sequence is repeated hundreds of times in tandem in every telomere.

Each time our cells divide and our chromosomes replicate, our telomeres become shorter. When we are first conceived, the telomeres in our single-cell embryos are approximately 15,000 nucleotides long. Our cells divide rapidly in the womb, and by the time we are born, our telomeres have decreased in length to approximately 10,000 nucleotides. They shorten throughout our lifetime, and when they reach an average of about 5,000 nucleotides, our cells cannot divide any further, and we die of old age.

Leonard Hayflick had discovered that there was a clock ticking in every dividing cell of our body; telomere shortening explains what makes that clock tick.

The time remaining on this "telomere clock" can be measured from our blood cells. When such measurements are taken, a significant correlation is found between a person's age and the number of "ticks" remaining on the person's clock.4







Obviously, there must be a way for our bodies to re-lengthen telomeres. Otherwise, our sperm and egg cells would contain telomeres the same length as the rest of our cells, which would yield embryos as old as we are. Because so much cell division takes place in the womb, our children would then be born much older than us. Humanity could not exist more than a generation or two if this were the case.

However, our reproductive cells do not exhibit telomere shortening, and show no signs of aging. They are essentially immortal. They are our germ line - the same one that has been dividing since the beginning of life on this planet.

The reason these cells are immortal is that our reproductive cells produce an enzyme called telomerase. Telomerase acts like an assembly line inside our cells that adds nucleotides to the ends of our chromosomes, thus lengthening our telomeres.

In a cell that expresses telomerase, telomeres are lengthened as soon as they shorten; it's as though every time the "telomere clock" inside our cells ticks once, telomerase pushes the hands of the clock back one tick.

Telomerase works by filling the "gap" left by DNA replication. Returning to the analogy of the bricklayer that can't lay the last brick on the brick wall, telomerase would be like an angel that flies in and puts the last brick in place.

Telomere Length Therapy

So what about us? Can we insert the telomerase gene into all of our cells and extend our lifespan?

Inserting the gene directly into our DNA, through the use of viral vectors, is not a viable option. The main problem with this approach is that inserting genes into cells often causes cancer. That's because the gene gets inserted into our chromosomes at random sites, and if the wrong site is chosen, the gene can interrupt and disable cancer suppressor genes or turn on cancer-inducing genes. And you only need one out of the hundred trillion cells in your body to become cancerous in order to kill you.

Fortunately, the telomerase gene already exists in all our cells. That's because the DNA in every one of our cells is identical: a skin cell, muscle cell, and liver cell all contain exactly the same genetic information. Thus, if the cells that create our sperm and egg cells contain the code for telomerase, every other cell must contain that code as well.

The reason that most of our cells don't express telomerase is that the gene is repressed in them. There are one or more regions of DNA neighboring the telomerase gene that serve as binding sites for a protein, and, if that protein is bound to them, telomerase will not be created by the cell.

However, it is possible to coax that repressor protein off its binding site with the use of a small-molecule, drug-like compound that binds to the repressor and prevents it from attaching to the DNA. If we find the appropriate compound, we can turn telomerase on in every cell in the human body.

Compounds such as these have very recently been discovered. One such compound is TA-65, a nutraceutical discovered by Geron Corporation and licensed to TA Sciences. Additionally, Sierra Sciences, using a robotically-driven high-throughput drug screening effort, has discovered over two hundred compounds in twenty-nine distinct drug families that induce the expression of telomerase in normal cells. However, the perfect drug hasn't been found yet. None of the compounds induce telomerase in large enough quantities that are likely to stop or reverse aging; even the strongest known compound, a synthetic chemical patented by Sierra Sciences but not approved for human use, induces only 16% of the telomerase expression found in some immortal cell lines. Also, many of these compounds (with the notable exception of TA-65) are somewhat toxic to cell cultures and probably unsafe for human consumption.

Finding a more powerful drug will require more screening and more research, and the speed of that progress is dependent almost entirely on the level of funding that the project can achieve.

Proofs of Principle

There is a plan in place for inducing telomerase in all our cells. But will that plan work? Will it cure aging? That's the trillion-dollar question, and scientists have been trying to answer it for more than a decade. So far, all the signs point to yes: telomerase is a very likely cure for aging.

In 1997, scientists inserted the telomerase gene into normal human skin cells grown in a Petri dish. 5 When they observed that the telomerase enzyme was being produced in the cells, as hoped, they also observed that the skin cells became immortal: there was no limit to the number of times these cells could divide. When the lengths of the telomeres in these "telomerized" cells were examined, the scientists were surprised to see that the telomeres didn't just stop shortening: they got longer. The critical question, then, was whether the cells were becoming younger.

A few years later, scientists inserted the telomerase gene into human skin cells that already had very short telomeres. These cells were then grown into skin on the back of mice.6 As one would expect, skin from cells that hadn't received the telomerase gene looked like old skin. It was wrinkled, blistered easily, and had gene expression patterns indicative of old skin.

The skin grown from cells that had received the telomerase gene, on the other hand, looked young! It acted like young skin, and, most importantly, its gene expression patterns, as analyzed by DNA Array Chip analysis, were almost identical to the gene expression patterns of young skin. For the first time ever, scientists had demonstrably reversed aging in human cells.

Would the concept apply to living organisms? In November 2008, scientists published a paper describing how they had created cloned mice from mouse cells containing the inserted telomerase gene, which continually produced the telomerase enzyme. 7 These mice were shown to live 50% longer than cloned mice created from cells that didn't contain the inserted telomerase gene.

It's becoming increasingly clear that prevention of telomere shortening might be the best way to extend human lifespan beyond the theoretical 125-year maximum lifespan. How long this can extend the human lifespan is anyone's guess, but living a healthy, youthful life to 250, 500, or even 1,000 years is not outside the realm of possibility. More research needs to be done to answer that question.

The Cancer Question

The ability to divide forever and never age describes our ancestral germ line, but it also describes a much less pleasant type of cell line: cancer.

A cancer begins when something goes wrong in a cell, causing it to lose control over its growth. It begins to divide repeatedly, ignoring chemical signals that tell it to stop. However, the telomeres continue to shorten in these cells, and eventually, the cells reach a stage where they can no longer divide, at which point they enter a "crisis mode."

In the vast majority of cases, when this crisis is reached, the cells will enter senescence and stop dividing. However, very occasionally, they will find ways to re-lengthen their telomeres. When this happens, a cancer begins to divide not only uncontrollably but indefinitely, and this is when cancer becomes truly dangerous.

In most cases (85-95%), cancers accomplish this indefinite cell division by turning on telomerase. For this reason, forcing telomerase to turn off throughout the body has been suggested as a cure for cancer, and there are several telomerase inhibitor drugs presently being tested in clinical trials.

So, anti-aging scientists must be out of their minds to want to turn the telomerase gene on, right?

No! Although telomerase is necessary for cancers to extend their lifespan, telomerase does not cause cancer. This has been repeatedly demonstrated: at least seven assays for cancer have been performed on telomerase-positive human cells: the soft agar assay, the contact inhibition assay, the mouse xenograft assay, the karyotype assay, the serum inhibition assay, the gene expression assay, and the checkpoint analysis assay. All reported negative results. 8

As a general rule, bad things happen when telomeres get short. As cells approach senescence, the short telomeres may stimulate chromosome instability.9 This chromosome instability can cause the mutations normally associated with cancer: tumor suppressor genes can be shut off and cancer-causing genes can be turned on. If a mutation that causes telomerase to be turned on also occurs, the result is a very dangerous cancer.

Paradoxically, even though cells require telomerase to become dangerous cancers, turning on telomerase may actually prevent cancer. This is not just because the risk of chromosome rearrangements is reduced, but also because telomerase can extend the lifespan of our immune cells, improving their ability to seek out and destroy cancer cells.

It's fairly obvious that long telomeres in human beings are not correlated with cancer. If that were true, young people would get cancer more often than the elderly. Instead, we usually see cancers occurring in people at the same time they begin to show signs of cellular senescence - that is, at the same time their immune system begins to age and lose its ability to respond to threats. Extending the lifespan of our immune cells could help our bodies fight cancer for much longer than they presently can.

Objections to Finding a Cure

There are some who claim that a cure for aging is not a good thing, and that this is a technology that should never be researched in the first place. Some of the most common concerns about extending human lifespan are listed below, along with responses to these objections.
"Won't the Earth become overpopulated?"
It stands to reason that extending our lifespans would increase the world population; after all, we've seen it happen before. In just over a century, the average life expectancy of a person living in the United States has increased from 47.3 in 1900 to 78.0 in 2008. Technologies including vaccines, antibiotics, chemotherapy, and antioxidants, as well as social advances such as sanitation, environmentalism, and an anti-smoking crusade have all contributed to this. Most recently, we've made attempts to push our lifespans out even further with technologies such as hormone replacement, caloric restriction, and Resveratrol.

And, indeed, these technologies have increased the size of our population. But something interesting also happened: population growth rate began to slow. Birthrates fell rapidly, and in less than four decades, the average number of children in a family was more than cut in half, from 6 to 2.9. Today, most researchers think we are headed quickly towards a stable population. Evidence is mounting that humans will simply not reach populations larger than our ability to sustain them: economics preclude us from doing that. As resources become scarce, prices rise, and as prices rise, family sizes shrink.

Is it a bad thing that our medical advances have nearly doubled our life expectancy? Most would say it's a decidedly good thing. So it's probably a safe bet that if we can drastically increase that figure again, future generations will also look back on it as beneficial.
"Won't Social Security be bankrupted?"
Social Security is quickly heading toward bankruptcy right now - and the reason lies in the very nature of aging.

A typical person today works for forty to fifty years before retiring at age 65 or shortly thereafter. Although retirement is often framed as a reward earned by a lifetime of hard work, the truth is that, not too long after reaching age 65, people inevitably become too sick and weak to continue working even if they wanted to. That's not the most desirable of rewards.

The fundamental problem with Social Security is that many of our modern medical advances have extended our lifespan, but have not expanded our healthspan to match. In 1935, when Social Security began, only about 57% of the population survived to age 65, and those who did only lived an average of 13 more years. Today, nearly 80% of the population survives to 65, and those who do typically live 17 more years.10

But these aren't our highest-quality years of life. Extending lifespan without improving healthspan has given us a large number of people who remain sicker longer, putting a historically unprecedented burden on the healthy to care for the sick.

If we felt as healthy and energetic at age 65 as we do at 30, why would we want to permanently retire? It would be far cheaper for the government to pay for a worker to take a ten-year vacation after forty years of work than to pay for seventeen years of decline and the staggering health care costs that accompany it. Not only that, but ten years of vacation as a healthy, youthful individual sounds like a much better reward for decades of hard work than seventeen years of decline.
"Isn't curing aging unnatural or sacrilegious?"
Certainly, it can be argued that a cure for aging is unnatural. But it can also be argued that a human being, in his or her most natural state, is cold and hungry, infested with parasites, vulnerable to predators, and generally lives a life that Hobbes famously described as "nasty, brutish, and short."

In our natural state, we are susceptible to the disease of aging, and, similarly, we are susceptible to the disease of smallpox. Yet few among us would look back and claim that we made a horrible mistake when we unnaturally eradicated smallpox.

Sometimes, objections to finding a cure for aging are made on religious or philosophical grounds: some see such a cure as a defiance of natural order or of God's will. However, there are also many people whose religions and philosophies are exactly what drives them to seek a cure for aging. For example, Christian writer Sylvie Van Hoek believes that the search for the cure is not only compatible with belief, but that belief compels us to seek a cure:
The Book of Genesis speaks of God's love. The creation stories describe the perfect world He created for us. After each creation He confirmed that it was good. There was no death or suffering in the Garden of Eden because it was not part of His plan. It couldn't have been because all that God creates is good; everything that is not good is the result of the absence of God. It was original sin that corrupted our perfect world. In failing to resist temptation and wanting to be like God---by eating from the forbidden tree of knowledge---man and woman turned away from God. This transformed the beauty of our nakedness into something shameful. Shame was impossible before the sin because nakedness meant that we enjoyed an intimate relationship with God. It was the sin that marked the beginning of our struggle with physical and moral suffering. Suffering is always the death of something, so physical death is just the far extreme along that same continuum.

Critics [of anti-aging science] should read A Theology of the Body by John Paul II (Pauline Books, Boston, 2006). The recent pope eloquently expands on every bit of scripture concerning the body.

In fact, I view [anti-aging science] as very much comporting to God's plan. He never wanted this for us. He created a different world, one that we corrupted. He could have turned away from us as we did to Him, but instead He sent the Christ to save us. He continues to work in the world today because He wants us to be happy. You may think you're doing something coldly scientific by fighting aging, but you're already up to your eyeballs in the fight against evil.11
There may be some who will always have philosophical and religious concerns about anti-aging science. But aging can be a painful, torturous process: it seems difficult to argue that going through the final stages of decline is an inherently good thing, or that finding a way for all of us to remain fit and healthy is inherently evil.
"Won't future generations face challenges, such as long-lived dictators, that could have been avoided?"
The short answer is yes. But the same can be said of any technology. When humans invented the car, we also created the problems of traffic safety and air pollution. When we invented factories and industrialized the manufacture of goods, we were forced to rebuild ancient economic and social structures. When we discovered fire, we also had to learn not to get burned.

But, looking back, we wouldn't have it any other way. Any progress comes with its own challenges, but rejecting progress because we don't trust future generations to deal with it is not the solution.

Other Cures for Aging

There are many theories on what causes aging,12 and they may all be true - different pieces of the puzzle of why we grow old. These theories can be looked at as multiple sticks of lit dynamite inside our cells, each stick of dynamite representing a different cause of aging. It's only the stick of dynamite with the shortest fuse that will kill us.13 Which theory of aging has the shortest fuse? No one knows for sure, but given the well-established correlation between telomere length and age, telomere shortening is a good bet.

Scientists around the world are looking for cures for aging, and control of telomere length is not the only one being discussed. In fact, there might even be better ways.

One approach that's receiving a lot of attention is stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy actually works on a principle similar to telomerase activation; the idea is to periodically infuse the body with young cells to replace cells that have senesced.

Some scientists feel that curing cellular senescence is only a single piece of the aging puzzle, and that aging must be addressed on other fronts. An example is Aubrey de Grey's "Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence"; De Grey believes that a cure for aging must include therapies that address not only cellular senescence but also cancer-causing mutations, mitochondrial mutations, intracellular junk, extracellular junk, cell loss, and extracellular crosslinks.

There are also theoretical approaches to curing aging which appear to be scientifically sound, but for which the technological groundwork has not fully been laid. These include nanotechnological methods of intelligently repairing cellular damage, where infinitesimally small robots could be programmed to maintain the body at an optimal state of health. Another exciting concept is "mind uploading" technology, in which the brain would be regularly scanned into a computer to safeguard it against damage to the body. Although it's unlikely that these technologies will come to fruition in the very short term, they do merit further research.

Ultimately, our goal is to extend our lifespans and healthspans and live a young, healthy life for as long as possible. Telomerase activation may or may not be the "magic bullet" needed to achieve that end, but it's a technology that's well within reach, and any extension of lifespan could allow us to live long enough to see the next technology developed.

To extend our lifespans indefinitely, all we need to do is enter a period of scientific progress where technologies that extend our lifespans more than one year are discovered each year. Authors Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman have coined a phrase to describe this strategy: "Live long enough to live forever."

In Conclusion

People often wonder why progress in finding a cure for aging isn't moving faster. A common impression is that aging cures are well-funded, but the science is out of our reach. That simply isn't true. The primary reason that aging isn't already cured is because of lack of funding.

What is most needed in order to find ways to extend our lifespan before that lifespan runs out on us is for the wealthy individuals that want to see aging cured in their lifetime to get together, review all the approaches that exist for curing aging, prioritize them, and then fund the ones on the top of the list. Besides lengthening telomeres, some of the candidates for funding were described in the previous section.

This kind of patron investment is the only plausible way to lay down a path to the cure for aging. The government doesn't support this kind of research, and venture capital is more focused on short-term profits than long-term cures.

If aging is cured in our lifetime, it will be because of these patrons, not because of brilliant leaps of intuition on the part of any scientist. When it comes to curing aging, the science is fairly straightforward; the funding is not.


1. Hayflick L. (1965). The limited in vitro lifetime of human diploid cell strains. Exp. Cell Res. 37 (3): 614-636.

2. Olovnikov AM. Principle of marginotomy in template synthesis of polynucleotides. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1971; 201(6):1496-9. Watson, J. D. Origin of concatemeric T7 DNA. Nat New Biol. 1972; 239(94):197-201.

3. Cawthon, R. M., K. R. Smith, et al. (2003). "Association between telomere length in blood and mortality in people aged 60 years or older.

4. Adapted from: Tsuji, A., A. Ishiko, et al. (2002). "Estimating age of humans based on telomere shortening." Forensic Sci Int 126(3): 197-9.

5. Bodnar, et al. Extension of life-span by introduction of telomerase into normal human cells. Science, 1998.

6. Funk, et al. Telomerase Expression Restores Dermal Integrity to in Vitro-Aged Fibroblasts in a Reconstituted Skin Model. Experimental Cell Research, 2000

7. Tomas, et al. Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Delays Aging in Cancer-Resistant Mice. Cell, 2008.

8. Jiang, X.-R. et al. Telomerase expression in human somatic cells does not induce changes associated with a transformed phenotype. Nature Genet., 21, 111-114 (1999); Morales, C.P., et. al. Absence of cancer-associated changes in human fibroblasts immortalized with telomerase. Nature Genet., 21, 115-118 (1999); Harley, C. B. Telomerase is not an oncogene. Oncogene 21(4): 494-502 (2002).

9. Benn, P. A. Specific chromosome aberrations in senescent fibroblast cell lines derived from human embryos. Am J Hum Genet 28(5): 465-473 (1976); Meza-Zepeda, L. A., A. Noer, et al. High-resolution analysis of genetic stability of human adipose tissue stem cells cultured to senescence. J Cell Mol Med 12(2): 553-263 (2008); Boukamp, P., S. Popp, et al. (2005). Telomere-dependent chromosomal instability. J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc 10(2): 89-94 (2005).

10. U.S. Social Security Administration:

11. College of Saint Elizabeth, Morristown, NJ. Personal communication, 2008.

12. For a review of theories of aging, see: Hayflick, Leonard (January 23, 1996). How and Why We Age. (Reprint ed.). Ballantine Books.

13. Bowles, Jeff, personal communication.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Michio Kaku: How to Reverse Aging

Michio Kaku: How to Reverse Aging

Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku (pron.: /ˈmi ˈkɑːk/) (加来 道雄 Kaku Michio, born January 24, 1947) is an American theoretical physicist, the Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics in the City College of New York of City University of New York, a futurist, and a communicator and popularizer of science. He has written several books about physics and related topics; he has made frequent appearances on radio, television, and film; and he writes extensive online blogs and articles. He has written two New York Times Best Sellers, Physics of the Impossible (2008) and Physics of the Future (2011).

Kaku has hosted several TV specials for the BBC, the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, and the Science Channel.


Source: YouTube

Biologists discover how yeast cells reverse aging

Biologists discover how yeast cells reverse aging

The gene they found can double yeast lifespan when turned on late in life.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Scientists "find cure for ageing"

Scientists "find cure for ageing"

By ( / 2 Nov 2011

IT’S the breakthrough many believed would never come – scientists think they have found a cure for ageing.

Researchers discovered a drug that can help DNA damaged by the passing of time repair itself. They now hope it can be used to treat ­conditions more common in later life such as dementia, arthritis, ­osteoarthritis, cancer and heart disease.

And experts are ­optimistic the drug, called N-acetyl cystein, can beat wasting diseases and stop premature ageing in children.

A team at Durham University looked at inherited degenerative disorders that are caused by mutations in the LMNA gene.

The most severe include Hutchinson Gilford progeria syndrome that makes children age eight times as fast as normal and die around 13.

Chief researcher Professor Chris Hutchison said: “Mutations in LMNA cause more diseases, such as muscular dystrophy, than any other.

“We’ve found that DNA damage can be controlled and our findings could be an important step to helping both children with progeria and older people to live lives that are less debilitating in terms of health problems.

“We will look at patients with progeria to see if there’s a model that can be used for wider medicine.”

Age UK welcomed the ­breakthrough. Research chief Professor James Goodwin said: “Although it’s fantastic people live longer, on average men can expect to live 7.4 years and women nine years at the end of their lives with a disability. This research is promising.”

Prof Hutchinson said human trials will now be needed to develop the drug.

Dmitry Itskov, Russian Billionaire, Plans Immortality Research Center

Dmitry Itskov, Russian Billionaire, Plans Immortality Research Center

The Huffington Post | By
Posted: Updated: 08/28/2012 4:13 pm

Dmitry Itskov, a Russian billionaire,
 is pursuing immortality through
 the 2045 Initiative, which he founded last year.
Dmitry Itskov, a Russian billionaire and media mogul, is betting that money can buy eternal life.

Itskov's 2045 Initiative, which is trying to make immortality a reality, launched its own political party in Russia last week: Evolution 2045. Though Evolution 2045 is based in Russia, it aims to create "a new stage of human civilization" throughout the world.
Itskov founded the 2045 Initiative in February 2011. He has brought 30 top Russian scientists on board and plans to create an international research center devoted to study immortality.
The 2045 Initiative has outlined a 30-year plan to develop the technology for human beings to transfer their consciousness into "avatars," or robots. Its self-declared ambition is to make the human race "eventually become a new species."
Itskov told Wired in February that he wants to eventually create hologram bodies that would "host" human consciousness, kind of like something out of the movie Avatar.
"I believe in something you call the American Dream," Itskov told Wired. "If you put all your energy and time into something, you can make it a reality."
You may be imagining a dystopian future of immortal billionaires lording over the mortal masses. But not to worry, the avatars would be mass-produced so that eventually they would cost about as much as a car, making them affordable for the middle class, according to the 2045 Initiative.

Itskov is hoping he can give the initiative a boost by getting some of his super-rich friends to sign on. He sent an open letter to members of the Forbes world billionaires list in July asking them to invest in the project. But it might take some convincing; the 2045 Initiative also criticizes the modern consumer economy for focusing on the short term, taking attention away from the reality that we're all going to die.

Movie trailer: Avatar

Movie: Avatar (2009)

Available at Amazon.
Avatar is a 2009 American epic science fiction film written and directed by James Cameron, and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, Joel David Moore, Giovanni Ribisi and Sigourney Weaver. The film is set in the mid-22nd century, when humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on Pandora, a lush habitable moon of a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system. The expansion of the mining colony threatens the continued existence of a local tribe of Na'vi – a humanoid species indigenous to Pandora. The film's title refers to a genetically engineered Na'vi body with the mind of a remotely located human, and is used to interact with the natives of Pandora.

Development of Avatar began in 1994, when Cameron wrote an 80-page treatment for the film. Filming was supposed to take place after the completion of Cameron's 1997 film Titanic, for a planned release in 1999, but according to Cameron, the necessary technology was not yet available to achieve his vision of the film. Work on the language of the film's extraterrestrial beings began in summer 2005, and Cameron began developing the screenplay and fictional universe in early 2006. Avatar was officially budgeted at $237 million. Other estimates put the cost between $280 million and $310 million for production and at $150 million for promotion. The film made extensive use of cutting edge motion capture filming techniques, and was released for traditional viewing, 3D viewing (using the RealD 3D, Dolby 3D, XpanD 3D, and IMAX 3D formats), and for "4D" experiences in select South Korean theaters. The stereoscopic filmmaking was touted as a breakthrough in cinematic technology.

Avatar premiered in London on December 10, 2009, and was internationally released on December 16 and in the United States and Canada on December 18, to positive critical reviews, with critics highly praising its groundbreaking visual effects. During its theatrical run, the film broke several box office records and became the highest-grossing film of all time, as well as in the United States and Canada, surpassing Titanic, which had held those records for twelve years. It also became the first film to gross more than $2 billion. Avatar was nominated for nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, and won three, for Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects. The film's home media release went on to break opening sales records and became the top-selling Blu-ray of all time. Following the film's success, Cameron signed with 20th Century Fox to produce two sequels, making Avatar the first of a planned trilogy.


By 2154, humans have severely depleted Earth's natural resources. The Resources Development Administration (RDA) mines for a valuable mineral – unobtanium – on Pandora, a densely forested habitable moon orbiting the gas giant Polyphemus in the Alpha Centauri star system. Pandora, whose atmosphere is poisonous to humans, is inhabited by the Na'vi, 10-foot tall (3.0 m), blue-skinned, sapient humanoids who live in harmony with nature and worship a mother goddess called Eywa.

To explore Pandora's biosphere, scientists use Na'vi-human hybrids called "avatars", operated by genetically matched humans; Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a paraplegic former marine, replaces his deceased twin brother as an operator of one. Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver), head of the Avatar Program, considers Sully an inadequate replacement but accepts his assignment as a bodyguard. While protecting the avatars of Grace and scientist Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore) as they collect biological data, Jake's avatar is attacked by a thanator and flees into the forest, where he is rescued by Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a female Na'vi. Witnessing an auspicious portent, she takes him to her clan, whereupon Neytiri's mother Mo'at (C. C. H. Pounder), the clan's spiritual leader, orders her daughter to initiate Jake into their society.

Colonel Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang), head of RDA's private security force, promises Jake that the company will restore his legs if he gathers intelligence about the Na'vi and the clan's gathering place, a giant arboreal called Hometree, on grounds that it stands above the richest deposit of unobtanium in the area. When Grace learns of this, she transfers herself, Jake, and Norm to an outpost. Over three months, Jake grows to sympathize with the natives. After Jake is initiated into the tribe, he and Neytiri choose each other as mates, and soon afterward, Jake reveals his change of allegiance when he attempts to disable a bulldozer that threatens to destroy a sacred Na'vi site. When Quaritch shows a video recording of Jake's attack on the bulldozer to Administrator Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi), and another in which Jake admits that the Na'vi will never abandon Hometree, Selfridge orders Hometree destroyed.

Despite Grace's argument that destroying Hometree could damage the biological neural network native to Pandora, Selfridge gives Jake and Grace one final chance to convince the Na'vi to evacuate before commencing the attack. While trying to warn the Na'vi, Jake confesses to being a spy and the Na'vi take him and Grace captive. Seeing this, Quaritch's men destroy Hometree, killing Neytiri's father (the clan chief) and many others. Mo'at frees Jake and Grace, but they are detached from their avatars and imprisoned by Quaritch's forces. Pilot Trudy Chacón (Michelle Rodriguez), disgusted by Quaritch's brutality, carries them to Grace's outpost, but during the escape, Quaritch fires at them, hitting Grace.

To regain the Na'vi's trust, Jake connects his mind to that of Toruk, a dragon-like predator feared and honoured by the Na'vi. Jake finds the refugees at the sacred Tree of Souls and pleads with Mo'at to heal Grace. The clan attempts to transfer Grace from her human body into her avatar with the aid of the Tree of Souls, but she dies before the process can complete.

Supported by the new chief Tsu'tey (Laz Alonso), who acts as Jake's translator, Jake speaks to unite the clan and tells them to gather all of the clans to battle against the RDA. Noticing the impending gathering, Quaritch organizes a pre-emptive strike against the Tree of Souls, believing that its destruction will demoralize the natives. On the eve of battle, Jake prays to Eywa, via a neural connection to the Tree of Souls, to intercede on behalf of the Na'vi.

During the subsequent battle, the Na'vi suffer heavy casualties, including Tsu'tey and Trudy; but are rescued when Pandoran wildlife unexpectedly join the attack and overwhelm the humans, which Neytiri interprets as Eywa's answer to Jake's prayer. After Jake destroys a makeshift bomber before it can reach the Tree of Souls; Quaritch escapes from his own damaged aircraft, wearing an AMP suit and breaks open the avatar link unit containing Jake's human body, exposing it to Pandora's poisonous atmosphere. Quaritch then prepares to slit the throat of Jake's avatar, but Neytiri kills Quaritch and saves Jake from suffocation.

With the exceptions of Jake, Norm, Max and a few other scientists, all humans are expelled from Pandora and sent back to Earth, after which Jake is transferred permanently into his avatar with the aid of the Tree of Souls.



  • Sam Worthington as Jake Sully, a disabled former Marine who becomes part of the Avatar Program after his twin brother is killed. His military background helps the Na'vi warriors relate to him. Cameron cast the Australian actor after a worldwide search for promising young actors, preferring relative unknowns to keep the budget down. Worthington, who was living in his car at the time, auditioned twice early in development, and he has signed on for possible sequels. Cameron felt that because Worthington had not done a major film, he would give the character "a quality that is really real". Cameron said he "has that quality of being a guy you'd want to have a beer with, and he ultimately becomes a leader who transforms the world".
  • Stephen Lang as Colonel Miles Quaritch, the head of the mining operation's security detail. Fiercely loyal to his military code, he has a profound disregard for Pandora's inhabitants that is evident in both his actions and his language. Lang had unsuccessfully auditioned for a role in Cameron's Aliens (1986), but the director remembered Lang and sought him for Avatar. Michael Biehn, who was in Aliens, read the script and watched some of the 3-D footage with Cameron, but was ultimately not cast in the role.
  • Sigourney Weaver as Dr. Grace Augustine, an exobiologist and head of the Avatar Program. She mentors Sully and is an advocate of peaceful relations with the Na'vi, having set up a school to teach them English.
  • Michelle Rodriguez as Trudy Chacón, a combat pilot assigned to support the Avatar Program who is sympathetic to the Na'vi. Cameron had wanted to work with Rodriguez since seeing her in Girlfight.
  • Giovanni Ribisi as Parker Selfridge, the corporate administrator for the RDA mining operation. While he is at first willing to destroy the Na'vi civilization to preserve the company's bottom line, he is reluctant to authorize the attacks on the Na'vi, doing so only after Quaritch persuades him that it is necessary, and the attacks will be humane. When the attacks are broadcast to the base, Selfridge displays discomfort at the violence.
  • Joel David Moore as Dr. Norm Spellman, a xenoanthropologist who studies plant and animal life as part of the Avatar Program. He arrives on Pandora at the same time as Sully and operates an avatar. Although he is expected to lead the diplomatic contact with the Na'vi, it turns out that Jake has the personality better suited to win the natives' respect.
  • Dileep Rao as Dr. Max Patel, a scientist who works in the Avatar Program and comes to support Jake's rebellion against the RDA.
  • Zoe Saldana as Neytiri, the daughter of the leader of the Omaticaya (the Na'vi clan central to the story). She is attracted to Jake because of his bravery, though frustrated with him for what she sees as his naiveté and stupidity. She serves as Jake's love interest. The character, like all the Na'vi, was created using performance capture, and its visual aspect is entirely computer generated. Saldana has also signed on for potential sequels.
  • C. C. H. Pounder as Mo'at, the Omaticaya's spiritual leader, Neytiri's mother, and consort to clan leader Eytukan.
  • Wes Studi as Eytukan, the Omaticaya's clan leader, Neytiri's father, and Mo'at's mate.
  • Laz Alonso as Tsu'tey, the finest warrior of the Omaticaya. He is heir to the chieftainship of the tribe. At the beginning of the film's story, he is betrothed to Neytiri. (Source: